An ailing Pope Francis – and the vultures circling in the Vatican

An unholy war is brewing in the Catholic Church, said Paola Totaro in The Australian (Sydney). While “Conclave”, a film about the “murky web of curial politics”, is getting Oscar-season buzz, in the real-world Vatican “a series of events has unfolded behind the Leonine Walls in past months that are just as intriguing”. With only one lung, the fragile 88-year-old Pope Francis sparks alarm with “every cough or hospital admission”. Around him, the vultures circle – devising strategies to ensure their preferred candidate becomes the next leader of the Catholic Church and its 1.4 billion faithful.

On one side are Francis’s progressives, who want to modernise the Church; on the other, conservative traditionalists who fear “a shift too far on issues of capitalism, homosexuality, abortion and the role of women”. This week, an unabashed Pope Francis appointed an Italian nun, Sister Raffaella Petrini, to run the Vatican City State – the first time a woman has ever been given the role. Women make better managers than men, said the Pope, adding: “Women have been running things since the Garden of Eden.”

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