Bo time | Bishop Catholic junior wrestler Bo Bassett to make college decision Tuesday after match | Sports

Bishop McCort Catholic junior standout wrestler Bo Bassett will make his decision on where he will wrestle in college after Tuesday’s PIAA Class 2A first-round match inside the Bradley Center.

The winner of the Corry versus McGuffey match at 5 p.m. will face 15-0 Bishop McCort at 7 p.m.

Bassett (109-0 career record with 69 technical falls and 28 pins, 35-0 this year) recently narrowed his decision down to seven possible schools in Iowa, Michigan, Ohio State, Oklahoma State, Penn State, Rutgers and Virginia Tech.

Bassett is ranked as the fourth-best wrestler in the country by FloWrestling and second in his class behind teammate Jax Forrest.

He became the youngest world champion in history in 2021, when the then-14-year-old claimed gold at the Cadet championships in Budapest, Hungary.

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