CM Punk Comments On Who He Wants To See In Women’s Royal Rumble

CM Punk has teased a potentially big surprise appearing in the Women’s Royal Rumble this weekend.

In a recent video WWE’s Jackie Redmond posted on her Instagram, she went around asking several WWE superstars who they would like to see appear in the upcoming Women’s Royal Rumble. While some stars gave answers about superstars past and present in WWE, CM Punk’s answer was significantly more mysterious.

“Oh, there’s a big one that I’m not going to say because I’m gonna get in trouble,” Punk said, while Redmond laughed and wondered who he could be referring to.

Later in the video, Punk would go on to give another answer, saying he’d like to see retired wrestling stars Akira Hokuto, Lioness Asuka, and then his “official” answer, Santina.

Fans online were quick to think Punk was referring to his wife, former WWE superstar AJ Lee. Lee’s potential return to wrestling has been something fans have been wondering about for years, but she has yet to get back into the ring as of yet.

RELATED: AJ Lee Reacts To Bayley, Liv Morgan Trying To ‘Peer Pressure’ Her Back Into The Ring

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