Georgia Lottery officials give Athens woman the key to a new pickup

  • Pamela Johnson, a mother of four, won a new Ford F-150 Lariat through the Georgia Lottery’s Jumbo Cash Second Chance Promotion.
  • Johnson, initially skeptical of the win, was overjoyed to receive the truck, which she chose from Athens Ford.
  • Johnson, who hasn’t owned a vehicle in nearly two years, is planning a road trip outside of Georgia in her new truck.

When Pamela Johnson was asked to pose for pictures in her spanking new black Ford F-150 Lariat, she broke into a cheerful smile.

Johnson, the mother of four children, did not have a vehicle. That is until Thursday when she received the pickup after winning it through the Georgia Lottery.

Johnson selected her pickup from Athens Ford on Atlanta Highway, where lottery officials arrived for the official presentation.

“It’s awesome,” Johnson said in an interview prior to the presentation. “I’ve never had a brand new car that was paid for. Now I don’t’ have to worry about making payments. It’s such a blessing.”

Johnson, who works at a local Kroger, said it’s been almost two years since she owned a vehicle.

Georgia Lottery gave away four pickups through the Jumbo Cash Second Chance Promotion, where players could submit scratch-off game tickets that were not winners for a second chance to win a prize. The other pickup winners were in Atlanta, Ellenwood and Tennille.

Johnson recalled how lottery officials recently called and woke her from a sleep. She was suspicious when told she had won a new pickup. She wondered what’s the catch or if maybe it was a scam.

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