Jeezy, Jeannie Mai Divorce Still Messy, Police Get Involved

If you thought the mess between rapper Jeezy and his ex-wife Jeannie Mai was going to stay in 2024, then boy, do we have news for you. Unfortunately, it may not be news you’re going to like.

In new court documents obtained by InStyle on Friday, it appears the two got embroiled into yet another dispute back in December 2024 that reportedly ended up with police getting called. The impetus? An alleged pre-scheduled visit to Jeezy’s house in Georgia that a judge allowed via court order for Mai to retrieve boxes with her last things in them like handbags, shoes, her Emmys and other trophies and more that were reportedly inside the garage.

However, when she was there, she was refused entry by the house manager “on the orders of Jeezy.” His reason for doing so allegedly stemmed from his concerns over letting the former host of “The Real” into their home for fear that she’d plant “listening devices or cameras” and Mai’s alleged previous attempts at “destroying [Jeezy’s] career with misleading information.”

“[Jeannie] is angry about the parties divorce and she is revengeful. In addition, the mere presence of [Jeannie] inside [Jeezy’s] home and personal space, after the highly contested nature of the divorce case, would absolutely destroy [Jeezy’s] peace and tranquility, as well as invade his privacy,” the rapper’s lawyers said in the documents.

However, Mai is pushing back against those claims and is arguing that the “Put On” artist had previously agreed to let her come to the house to pick up her things and knew exactly when she was planning to pull up. Upon her arrival, that’s when he switched up and violated the terms of the court order by not allowing her or her movers to get her things. As a result, the Atlanta police were were called and later arrived at the home in attempt to resolve the issue.

InStyle with more:

“When the police officer informed the house manager that a court order was, in fact, being violated, the house manager then had to shift gears and create a new barrier to entry. Next, the house manager, at the direction of [Jeezy], refused to allow anyone on behalf of [Jeannie] to enter the home unless they signed a nondisclosure agreement. To note, there is nothing in the court order that states any language regarding a nondisclosure agreement,” Mai’s lawyer wrote.

Fortunately, Mai was able to get her things, but  multiple boxes were damaged with water and showed proof that a rodent had eaten through them. Several of her trophies were also allegedly scratched up and/or broken.

This news comes just four months after Mai blasted her ex for allegedly unfulfilled settlement requirements back in September 2024. The former couple’s divorce was settled earlier that summer.

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