Pope Francis stumbles and nearly falls after walking stick handle snaps

Pope Francis nearly tumbled to the Vatican floor Saturday, when the handle of his walking stick snapped.

But the 88-year-old was able to catch himself, stumbling briefly as he entered the auditorium to address an audience.

After the slip, a pair of aides rushed to the pontiff’s side, and helped him into his chair on stage.

Pope Francis slipped after his walking stick failed him. REUTERS
Aides rushed to the pope’s side to help. AP

“Viva il Papa,” shouted a member of the crowd, eliciting applause from the others gathered to hear him speak.

Pope Francis has notoriously bad knees, which have caused him to fall twice recently.

He has used wheelchairs and walking sticks to get around, while also battling chronic health problems, including long bouts of bronchitis.

The pope greeted the faithful Saturday via wheelchair. AFP via Getty Images

The pope hurt his arm earlier this month in a fall. While he didn’t fracture it, doctors nevertheless had him wear a sling.

And back on Dec. 7, 2024, Francis fell in his bedroom, and smacked his chin on a nightstand, leaving him with some visible bruising.

With Post wires.

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